Thursday, December 8, 2011

Kilifi: 26 ReachUp! Participants Graduate at the Kenya Redcross Society Center

Finally the day everyone was eagerly waiting for was here! 26 ReachUp! Participants at the Kenya Redcross Society- Kilifi celebrated their 1st graduation ceremony. The event was marked with excitement from both the participants (who are also volunteers at the Center)and DOT Kenya Coast team.

The day began smoothly with preparations being done in anticipation of our guests who were DOT Kenya Country Director- Evans Njoro, Lifting the Barriers Program Manager Violet Monyangi, Youth Representative Ministry of Youth Sipha. In attendance also was Irene Mlanga- Program Assistant Coast, Field Officers Coast region Peter Mutie and Ayshah Maende and Field Facilitator Caroline Boraya. Minutes after their arrival the procession kicked off with recitation of the principles of the Red Cross led by one of the participant Michael Andera the Youth Chairperson.This was followed by the welcoming speech by our Center Coordinator Samuel Kamau Kangethe and giving a brief about the ReachUp! Training and its impact to the volunteers.Mr. Kamau also encouraged the participants to implement the knowledge gained in class in their day to day lives.

There was presentation by one of the participants on behalf of his colleagues. Generally they were quite happy and felt lucky to have had this training brought to them where they got to learn a lot. The general feeling was that they were now confident enough to start their own small businesses and that their self confidence had been boosted. Those who hadn't had any exposure to computers  felt privileged to have got this knowledge for free and the others felt more empowered with computer skills. For example the ReachUp! program aided one of the participant's who has an orphanage for children to create a website for his orphanage ( ).

Finally the award of the certificates was done by Mr. Evans Njoro assisted by Mr. Samuel.There was excitement all over as each participant came to receive his / her certificate.   This was followed by photo shoots and mingling of the participants with my fellow colleagues .

Blessed holiday everyone